How Ever in this opportunity, I will talk about the seniority in organization.
Seniority divide into 2 categories:
Type 1 : Seniority based on length of service or based on the ages of the employee.
Type 2 : Seniority based on capability, competency and skill.
Talking about seniority type 1:
This kind of employee usually over
pride or over self confidence
She/he thought that She/he knew everything happened in organization/company where they worked.
She/he knew their daily task perfectly without any defect.
She/he does not need any new idea/guidance in how they have to do their job.
If there is new employee join to the team, She/he will try to show off their power to try to convince
That they knew everything.
If the new employee is at the same level; they expect this new employee will follow what they said
Or at least do as the same way they do their daily task.
If the new employee is in upper level; She/he will show that they don’t need any guidance and advice
In how to do their daily job.
Any new single idea in how to upgrade the Standard Operation and Procedure to improve the
Departmental performance and for efficiency reason will mean Nothing in front of Employee Type 1.
This kind of employee also has high possibility to be a “Dead Wood”
It will only bother the whole team and spread out the negativity all away around.
Seniority Type 2;
This kind of employee is always willing to learn a new thing.
She/he will never satisfy with their performance.
She/he will always want to do things better and better every time without any complaint.
She/he will very open with any input and critic.
She/he will see all these input and critic to upgrade their skill, professionalism and to strengthen their mentality.
Strong mentality is needed for someone who want to develop Her/Himself.
And critic.
It is not only those all input that come from your upper level, even some time those that come from the
Same level, you have to still open your heart widely.
Consider them, even most of the time is quite difficult to receive any critic.
We will argue and grumbling at the very first place, however we do need to re think and consider
All the input with clear mind and peaceful heart.
Whatever the consideration at the end is depend on your perspective.
If you agree use it, otherwise through it away to garbage bin.
In Organization or Company, you will always find something “DISLIKE” about.
To deal with “Dislike “thing, you have to adjust your power of acceptance and adjust your flexibility.
Try to empower the available resources in order to be able to achieve your goal in the other way.
Remember that company will hire you, if you bring something good to the company and
Replace you when you contribute Nothing.
It is the same way that your leader and your upper level or even yourself who become great leader
One day.
The leader will try to maintain the harmony of the team to be able to bring a good output.
Your leader will put their eyes in you, and have Visible and Invisible tool to evaluate and measure
Your performance as a part of the team.
In this technology era, please be wise with your status or statement in Social Media especially
When they are all visible to your upper level.
Some of the company will consider your behavior in Social Media in doing their recruitment.
In related with power of acceptance and flexibility as well as social media; they are two choices
If you think you agree with all Standard Operational Procedure and particular task that define
By your upper level; FOLLOW
If you think you disagree with them all; QUIT
Try to be senior one day both in Skill and Mentality because it will define you to be someone,
Some day.
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